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Wednesday 4 March 2015

The C# Station Tutorial by Joe Mayo created 8/27/00, updated 10/6/01, 3/12/03, 1/22/05, 2/21/08, 4/29/08, 8/16/08, 10/11/08, 1/12/09, 9/2/11 Lesson 2: Operators, Types, and Variables This lesson introduces C# operators, types, and variables. Its goal is to meet the following objectives: Understand what a variable is. Familiarization with C# built-in types. Get an introduction to C# operators. Learn how to use Arrays. Variables and Types "Variables" are simply storage locations for data. You can place data into them and retrieve their contents as part of a C# expression. The interpretation of the data in a variable is controlled through "Types". C# is a "Strongly Typed" language. Thus all operations on variables are performed with consideration of what the variable's "Type" is. There are rules that define what operations are legal in order to maintain the integrity of the data you put in a variable. The C# simple types consist of the Boolean type and three numeric types - Integrals, Floating Point, Decimal, and String. The term "Integrals", which is defined in the C# Programming Language Specification, refers to the classification of types that include sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, and char. More details are available in the Integral Types section later in this lesson. The term "Floating Point" refers to the float and double types, which are discussed, along with the decimal type, in more detail in the Floating Point and Decimal Types section later in this lesson. The string type represents a string of characters and is discussed in The String Type section, later in this lesson. The next section introduces the boolean type. The Boolean Type Boolean types are declared using the keyword, bool. They have two values: true or false. In other languages, such as C and C++, boolean conditions can be satisfied where 0 means false and anything else means true. However, in C# the only values that satisfy a boolean condition is true and false, which are official keywords. Listing 2-1 shows one of many ways that boolean types can be used in a program. Listing 2-1. Displaying Boolean Values: Boolean.cs using System; class Booleans { public static void Main() { bool content = true; bool noContent = false; Console.WriteLine("It is {0} that C# Station provides C# programming language content.", content); Console.WriteLine("The statement above is not {0}.", noContent); } } In Listing 2-1, the boolean values are written to the console as a part of a sentence. The only legal values for the bool type are either true or false, as shown by the assignment of true to content and false to noContent. When run, this program produces the following output: It is True that C# Station provides C# programming language content. The statement above is not False. Integral Types In C#, an integral is a category of types. For anyone confused because the word Integral sounds like a mathematical term, from the perspective of C# programming, these are actually defined as Integral types in the C# programming language specification. They are whole numbers, either signed or unsigned, and the char type. The char type is a Unicode character, as defined by the Unicode Standard. For more information, visit The Unicode Home Page. table 2-1 shows the integral types, their size, and range. Table 2-1. The Size and Range of C# Integral Types Type Size (in bits) Range sbyte 8 -128 to 127 byte 8 0 to 255 short 16 -32768 to 32767 ushort 16 0 to 65535 int 32 -2147483648 to 2147483647 uint 32 0 to 4294967295 long 64 -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ulong 64 0 to 18446744073709551615 char 16 0 to 65535 Integral types are well suited for those operations involving whole number calculations. The char type is the exception, representing a single Unicode character. As you can see from the table above, you have a wide range of options to choose from, depending on your requirements. Floating Point and Decimal Types A C# floating point type is either a float or double. They are used any time you need to represent a real number, as defined by IEEE 754. For more information on IEEE 754, visit the IEEE Web Site. Decimal types should be used when representing financial or money values. table 2-2 shows the floating point and decimal types, their size, precision, and range. Table 2-2. The Floating Point and Decimal Types with Size, precision, and Range Type Size (in bits) precision Range float 32 7 digits 1.5 x 10-45 to 3.4 x 1038 double 64 15-16 digits 5.0 x 10-324 to 1.7 x 10308 decimal 128 28-29 decimal places 1.0 x 10-28 to 7.9 x 1028 Floating point types are used when you need to perform operations requiring fractional representations. However, for financial calculations, the decimal type is the best choice because you can avoid rounding errors. The string Type A string is a sequence of text characters. You typically create a string with a string literal, enclosed in quotes: "This is an example of a string." You've seen strings being used in Lesson 1, where we used the Console.WriteLine method to send output to the console. Some characters aren't printable, but you still need to use them in strings. Therefore, C# has a special syntax where characters can be escaped to represent non-printable characters. For example, it is common to use newlines in text, which is represented by the '\n' char. The backslash, '\', represents the escape. When preceded by the escape character, the 'n' is no longer interpreted as an alphabetical character, but now represents a newline. You may be now wondering how you could represent a backslash character in your code. We have to escape that too by typing two backslashes, as in '\\'. table 2-3 shows a list of common escape sequences. Table 2-3. C# Character Escape Sequences Escape Sequence Meaning \' Single Quote \" Double Quote \\ Backslash \0 Null, not the same as the C# null value \a Bell \b Backspace \f form Feed \n Newline \r Carriage Return \t Horizontal Tab \v Vertical Tab Another useful feature of C# strings is the verbatim literal, which is a string with a @ symbol prefix, as in @"Some string". Verbatim literals make escape sequences translate as normal characters to enhance readability. To appreciate the value of verbatim literals, consider a path statement such as "c:\\topdir\\subdir\\subdir\\myapp.exe". As you can see, the backslashes are escaped, causing the string to be less readable. You can improve the string with a verbatim literal, like this: @"c:\topdir\subdir\subdir\myapp.exe". That is fine, but now you have the problem where quoting text is not as easy. In that case, you would specify double double quotes. For example, the string "copy \"c:\\source file name with spaces.txt\" c:\\newfilename.txt" would be written as the verbatim literal @"copy ""c:\source file name with spaces.txt"" c:\newfilename.txt". C# Operators Results are computed by building expressions. These expressions are built by combining variables and operators together into statements. The following table describes the allowable operators, their precedence, and associativity. Table 2-4. Operators with their precedence and Associativity Category (by precedence) Operator(s) Associativity Primary x.y f(x) a[x] x++ x-- new typeof default checked unchecked delegate left Unary + - ! ~ ++x --x (T)x right Multiplicative * / % left Additive + - left Shift << >> left Relational < > <= >= is as left Equality == != right Logical AND & left Logical XOR ^ left Logical OR | left Conditional AND && left Conditional OR || left Null Coalescing ?? left Ternary ?: right Assignment = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= => right Left associativity means that operations are evaluated from left to right. Right associativity mean all operations occur from right to left, such as assignment operators where everything to the right is evaluated before the result is placed into the variable on the left. Most operators are either unary or binary. Unary operators form expressions on a single variable, but binary operators form expressions with two variables. Listing 2-2 demonstrates how unary operators are used. Listing 2-2. Unary Operators: Unary.cs using System; class Unary { public static void Main() { int unary = 0; int preIncrement; int preDecrement; int postIncrement; int postDecrement; int positive; int negative; sbyte bitNot; bool logNot; preIncrement = ++unary; Console.WriteLine("pre-Increment: {0}", preIncrement); preDecrement = --unary; Console.WriteLine("pre-Decrement: {0}", preDecrement); postDecrement = unary--; Console.WriteLine("Post-Decrement: {0}", postDecrement); postIncrement = unary++; Console.WriteLine("Post-Increment: {0}", postIncrement); Console.WriteLine("Final Value of Unary: {0}", unary); positive = -postIncrement; Console.WriteLine("Positive: {0}", positive); negative = +postIncrement; Console.WriteLine("Negative: {0}", negative); bitNot = 0; bitNot = (sbyte)(~bitNot); Console.WriteLine("Bitwise Not: {0}", bitNot); logNot = false; logNot = !logNot; Console.WriteLine("Logical Not: {0}", logNot); } } When evaluating expressions, post-increment (x++) and post-decrement (x--) operators return their current value and then apply the operators. However, when using pre-increment (++x) and pre-decrement (--x) operators, the operator is applied to the variable prior to returning the final value. In Listing 2-2, the unary variable is initialized to zero. When the pre-increment (++x) operator is used, unary is incremented to 1 and the value 1 is assigned to the preIncrement variable. The pre-decrement (--x) operator turns unary back to a 0 and then assigns the value to the preDecrement variable. When the post-decrement (x--) operator is used, the value of unary, 0, is placed into the postDecrement variable and then unary is decremented to -1. Next the post-increment (x++) operator moves the current value of unary, -1, to the postIncrement variable and then increments unary to 0. The variable bitNot is initialized to 0 and the bitwise not (~) operator is applied. The bitwise not (~) operator flips the bits in the variable. In this case, the binary representation of 0, "00000000", was transformed into -1, "11111111". While the (~) operator works by flipping bits, the logical negation operator (!) is a logical operator that works on bool values, changing true to false or false to true. In the case of the logNot variable in Listing 2-2, the value is initialized to false, and the next line applies the logical negation operator, (!), which returns true and reassigns the new value, true, to logNot. Essentially, it is toggling the value of the bool variable, logNot. The setting of positive is a little tricky. At the time that it is set, the postIncrement variable is equal to -1. Applying the minus (-) operator to a negative number results in a positive number, meaning that positive will equal 1, instead of -1. The minus operator (-), which is not the same as the pre-decrement operator (--), doesn't change the value of postInc - it just applies a sign negation. The plus operator (+) doesn't affect the value of a number, assigning negative with the same value as postIncrement, -1. Notice the expression (sbyte)(~bitNot). Any operation performed on types sbyte, byte, short, or ushort return int values. To assign the result into the bitNot variable we had to use a cast, (Type), operator, where Type is the type you wish to convert to (in this case - sbyte). The cast operator is shown as the Unary operator, (T)x, in table 2-4. Cast operators must be performed explicity when you go from a larger type to a smaller type because of the potential for lost data. Generally speaking, assigning a smaller type to a larger type is no problem, since the larger type has room to hold the entire value. Also be aware of the dangers of casting between signed and unsigned types. You want to be sure to preserve the integrity of your data. Many basic programming texts contain good descriptions of bit representations of variables and the dangers of explicit casting. Here's the output from the Listing 2-2: pre-Increment: 1 pre-Decrement 0 Post-Decrement: 0 Post-Increment: -1 Final Value of Unary: 0 Positive: 1 Negative: -1 Bitwise Not: -1 Logical Not: true In addition to unary operators, C# has binary operators that form expressions of two variables. Listing 2-3 shows how to use the binary operators. Listing 2-3. Binary Operators: Binary.cs using System; class Binary { public static void Main() { int x, y, result; float floatresult; x = 7; y = 5; result = x+y; Console.WriteLine("x+y: {0}", result); result = x-y; Console.WriteLine("x-y: {0}", result); result = x*y; Console.WriteLine("x*y: {0}", result); result = x/y; Console.WriteLine("x/y: {0}", result); floatresult = (float)x/(float)y; Console.WriteLine("x/y: {0}", floatresult); result = x%y; Console.WriteLine("x%y: {0}", result); result += x; Console.WriteLine("result+=x: {0}", result); } } And here's the output: x+y: 12 x-y: 2 x*y: 35 x/y: 1 x/y: 1.4 x%y: 2 result+=x: 9 Listing 2-3 shows several examples of binary operators. As you might expect, the results of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) produce the expected mathematical results. The floatresult variable is a floating point type. We explicitly cast the integer variables x and y to calculate a floating point value. There is also an example of the remainder(%) operator. It performs a division operation on two values and returns the remainder. The last statement shows another form of the assignment with operation (+=) operator. Any time you use the assignment with operation operator, it is the same as applying the binary operator to both the left hand and right hand sides of the operator and putting the results into the left hand side. The example could have been written as result = result + x; and returned the same value. The Array Type Another data type is the Array, which can be thought of as a container that has a list of storage locations for a specified type. When declaring an Array, specify the type, name, dimensions, and size. Listing 2-4. Array Operations: Array.cs using System; class Array { public static void Main() { int[] myInts = { 5, 10, 15 }; bool[][] myBools = new bool[2][]; myBools[0] = new bool[2]; myBools[1] = new bool[1]; double[,] myDoubles = new double[2, 2]; string[] myStrings = new string[3]; Console.WriteLine("myInts[0]: {0}, myInts[1]: {1}, myInts[2]: {2}", myInts[0], myInts[1], myInts[2]); myBools[0][0] = true; myBools[0][1] = false; myBools[1][0] = true; Console.WriteLine("myBools[0][0]: {0}, myBools[1][0]: {1}", myBools[0][0], myBools[1][0]); myDoubles[0, 0] = 3.147; myDoubles[0, 1] = 7.157; myDoubles[1, 1] = 2.117; myDoubles[1, 0] = 56.00138917; Console.WriteLine("myDoubles[0, 0]: {0}, myDoubles[1, 0]: {1}", myDoubles[0, 0], myDoubles[1, 0]); myStrings[0] = "Joe"; myStrings[1] = "Matt"; myStrings[2] = "Robert"; Console.WriteLine("myStrings[0]: {0}, myStrings[1]: {1}, myStrings[2]: {2}", myStrings[0], myStrings[1], myStrings[2]); } } And here's the output: myInts[0]: 5, myInts[1]: 10, myInts[2]: 15 myBools[0][0]: true, myBools[1][0]: true myDoubles[0, 0]: 3.147, myDoubles[1, 0]: 56.00138917 myStrings[0]: Joe, myStrings[1]: Matt, myStrings[2]: Robert Listing 2-4 shows different implementations of Arrays. The first example is the myInts Array, which is a single-dimension array. It is initialized at declaration time with explicit values. Next is a jagged array, myBools. It is essentially an array of arrays. We needed to use the new operator to instantiate the size of the primary array and then use the new operator again for each sub-array. The third example is a two dimensional array, myDoubles. Arrays can be multi-dimensional, with each dimension separated by a comma. It must also be instantiated with the new operator. One of the differences between jagged arrays, myBools[][], and multi-dimension arrays, myDoubles[,], is that a multi-dimension array will allocate memory for every element of each dimension, whereas a jagged array will only allocate memory for the size of each array in each dimension that you define. Most of the time, you'll be using multi-dimension arrays, if you need multiple dimensions, and will only use jagged arrays in very special circumstances when you are able to save significant memory by explicitly specifying the sizes of the arrays in each dimension. Finally, we have the single-dimensional array of string types, myStrings. In each case, you can see that array elements are accessed by identifying the integer index for the item you wish to refer to. Arrays sizes can be any int type value. Their indexes begin at 0. Summary A variable is an identifier with a type that holds a value of that type. Simple types include the integrals, floating points, decimal, and bool. C# has several mathematical and logical operators that participate in forming expressions. C# also offers the single dimension, multi-dimension and jagged array types. In this lesson you learned how to write simple statements and code a program that works linearly from start to finish. However, this is not as useful as it can be because you need to be able to make decisions and execute different blocks of code depending on different conditions. I invite you to return for Lesson 3: Control Statements - Selection, where you can learn how to branch your logic for more powerful decision making.

The C# Station Tutorial by Joe Mayo created 8/20/00, updated 9/24/01, 3/6/03, 8/16/03, 1/16/05, 4/30/07, 2/21/08, 3/12/08, 4/29/08, 7/6/08, 8/16/08, 1/12/09, 9/2/11 Lesson 1: Getting Started with C# This lesson will get you started with C# by introducing a few very simple programs. Here are the objectives of this lesson: Understand the basic structure of a C# program. Obtain a basic familiarization of what a "Namespace" is. Obtain a basic understanding of what a Class is. Learn what a Main method does. Learn how to obtain command-line input. Learn about console input/output (I/O). A Simple C# Program There are basic elements that all C# executable programs have and that's what we'll concentrate on for this first lesson, starting off with a simple C# program. After reviewing the code in Listing 1-1, I'll explain the basic concepts that will follow for all C# programs we will write throughout this tutorial. Please see Listing 1-1 to view this first program. Warning: C# is case-sensitive. Listing 1-1. A Simple Welcome Program: Welcome.cs // Namespace Declaration using System; // Program start class class WelcomeCSS { // Main begins program execution. static void Main() { // Write to console Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!"); } } The program in Listing 1-1 has 4 primary elements, a namespace declaration, a class, a Main method, and a program statement. It can be compiled with the following command line: csc.exe Welcome.cs This produces a file named Welcome.exe, which can then be executed. Other programs can be compiled similarly by substituting their file name instead of Welcome.cs. For more help about command line options, type "csc -help" on the command line. The file name and the class name can be totally different. Note for VS.NET Users: The screen will run and close quickly when launching this program from Visual Studio .NET. To prevent this, add the following code as the last line in the Main method: // keep screen from going away // when run from VS.NET Console.ReadLine(); Note: The command-line is a window that allows you to run commands and programs by typing the text in manually. It is often refered to as the DOS prompt, which was the operating system people used years ago, before Windows. The .NET Framework SDK, which is free, uses mostly command line tools. Therefore, I wrote this tutorial so that anyone would be able to use it. Do a search through Windows Explorer for "csc.exe", which is the C# compiler. When you know its location, add that location to your Windows path. Then open the command window by going to the Windows Start menu, selecting Run, and typing cmd.exe. This blog post might be helpful: How to set the path in Windows 7. The first thing you should be aware of is that C# is case-sensitive. The word "Main" is not the same as its lower case spelling, "main". They are different identifiers. If you are coming from a language that is not case sensitive, this will trip you up several times until you become accustomed to it. The namespace declaration, using System;, indicates that you are referencing the System namespace. Namespaces contain groups of code that can be called upon by C# programs. With the using System; declaration, you are telling your program that it can reference the code in the System namespace without pre-pending the word System to every reference. I'll discuss this in more detail in Lesson 06: Namespaces, which is dedicated specifically to namespaces. The class declaration, class WelcomeCSS, contains the data and method definitions that your program uses to execute. A class is one of a few different types of elements your program can use to describe objects, such as structs, interfaces , delegates, and enums, which will be discussed in more detail in Lesson 12: Structs, Lesson 13: Interfaces, Lesson 14: Delegates, and Lesson 17: Enums, respectively. This particular class has no data, but it does have one method. This method defines the behavior of this class (or what it is capable of doing). I'll discuss classes more in Lesson 07: Introduction to Classes. We'll be covering a lot of information about classes throughout this tutorial. The one method within the WelcomeCSS class tells what this class will do when executed. The method name, Main, is reserved for the starting point of a program. Main is often called the "entry point" and if you ever receive a compiler error message saying that it can't find the entry point, it means that you tried to compile an executable program without a Main method. A static modifier precedes the word Main, meaning that this method works in this specific class only, rather than an instance of the class. This is necessary, because when a program begins, no object instances exist. I'll tell you more about classes, objects, and instances in Lesson 07: Introduction to Classes. Every method must have a return type. In this case it is void, which means that Main does not return a value. Every method also has a parameter list following its name with zero or more parameters between parenthesis. For simplicity, we did not add parameters to Main. Later in this lesson you'll see what type of parameter the Main method can have. You'll learn more about methods in Lesson 05: Methods. The Main method specifies its behavior with the Console.WriteLine(...) statement. Console is a class in the System namespace. WriteLine(...) is a method in the Console class. We use the ".", dot, operator to separate subordinate program elements. Note that we could also write this statement as System.Console.WriteLine(...). This follows the pattern "namespace.class.method" as a fully qualified statement. Had we left out the using System declaration at the top of the program, it would have been mandatory for us to use the fully qualified form System.Console.WriteLine(...). This statement is what causes the string, "Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!" to print on the console screen. Observe that comments are marked with "//". These are single line comments, meaning that they are valid until the end-of-line. If you wish to span multiple lines with a comment, begin with "/*" and end with "*/". Everything in between is part of the comment. Comments are ignored when your program compiles. They are there to document what your program does in plain English (or the native language you speak with every day). All statements end with a ";", semi-colon. Classes and methods begin with "{", left curly brace, and end with a "}", right curly brace. Any statements within and including "{" and "}" define a block. Blocks define scope (or lifetime and visibility) of program elements. Accepting Command-Line Input In the previous example, you simply ran the program and it produced output. However, many programs are written to accept command-line input. This makes it easier to write automated scripts that can invoke your program and pass information to it. If you look at many of the programs, including Windows OS utilities, that you use everyday; most of them have some type of command-line interface. For example, if you type Notepad.exe MyFile.txt (assuming the file exists), then the Notepad program will open your MyFile.txt file so you can begin editing it. You can make your programs accept command-line input also, as shown in Listing 1-2, which shows a program that accepts a name from the command line and writes it to the console. Danger! Regardless of the fact that I documented the proper use of command-line arguments before and after Listing 1-2, some people still send me email to complain that they get an error or tell me there's a bug in my program. In fact, I get more email on this one subject than any other in the whole tutorial. Please read the instructions to include the command-line argument. Note: When running the NamedWelcome.exe application in Listing 1-2, you must supply a command-line argument. For example, type the name of the program, followed by your name: NamedWelcome YourName. This is the purpose of Listing 1-2 - to show you how to handle command-line input. Therefore, you must provide an argument on the command-line for the program to work. If you are running Visual Studio, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, select Properties, click the Debug tab, locate Start Options, and type YourName into Command line arguments. If you forget to to enter YourName on the command-line or enter it into the project properties, as I just explained, you will receive an exception that says "Index was outside the bounds of the array." To keep the program simple and concentrate only on the subject of handling command-line input, I didn't add exception handling. Besides, I haven't taught you how to add exception handling to your program yet - but I will. In Lesson 15: Introduction to Exception Handling, you'll learn more about exceptions and how to handle them properly. Listing 1-2. Getting Command-Line Input: NamedWelcome.cs // Namespace Declaration using System; // Program start class class NamedWelcome { // Main begins program execution. static void Main(string[] args) { // Write to console Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", args[0]); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!"); } } Tip: Remember to add your name to the command-line, i.e. "NamedWelcome Joe". If you don't, your program will crash. I'll show you in Lesson 15: Introduction to Exception Handling how to detect and avoid such error conditions. If you are using an IDE, like Visual Studio, see your IDE's help documentation on how to set the command-line option via project properties. i.e. in Visual Studio 2010, double-click the Properties folder in your solution project, click the Debug tab, and add your name to Command Line Arguments. The actual step can/will differ between IDE's and versions, so please consult your IDE documentation for more information. In Listing 1-2, you'll notice an entry in the Main method's parameter list. The parameter name is args, which you'll use to refer to the parameter later in your program. The string[] expression defines the type of parameter that args is. The string type holds characters. These characters could form a single word, or multiple words. The "[]", square brackets denote an Array, which is like a list. Therefore, the type of the args parameter, is a list of words from the command-line. Anytime you add string[] args to the parameter list of the Main method, the C# compiler emits code that parses command-line arguments and loads the command-line arguments into args. By reading args, you have access to all arguments, minus the application name, that were typed on the command-line. You'll also notice an additional Console.WriteLine(...) statement within the Main method. The argument list within this statement is different than before. It has a formatted string with a "{0}" parameter embedded in it. The first parameter in a formatted string begins at number 0, the second is 1, and so on. The "{0}" parameter means that the next argument following the end quote will determine what goes in that position. Hold that thought, and now we'll look at the next argument following the end quote. The args[0] argument refers to the first string in the args array. The first element of an Array is number 0, the second is number 1, and so on. For example, if I typed NamedWelcome Joe on the command-line, the value of args[0] would be "Joe". This is a little tricky because you know that you typed NamedWelcome.exe on the command-line, but C# doesn't include the executable application name in the args list - only the first parameter after the executable application. Returning to the embedded "{0}" parameter in the formatted string: Since args[0] is the first argument, after the formatted string, of the Console.WriteLine() statement, its value will be placed into the first embedded parameter of the formatted string. When this command is executed, the value of args[0], which is "Joe" will replace "{0}" in the formatted string. Upon execution of the command-line with "NamedWelcome Joe", the output will be as follows: Hello, Joe! Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial! Interacting via the Command-Line Besides command-line input, another way to provide input to a program is via the Console. Typically, it works like this: You prompt the user for some input, they type something in and press the Enter key, and you read their input and take some action. Listing 1-3 shows how to obtain interactive input from the user. Listing 1-3. Getting Interactive Input: InteractiveWelcome.cs // Namespace Declaration using System; // Program start class class InteractiveWelcome { // Main begins program execution. public static void Main() { // Write to console/get input Console.Write("What is your name?: "); Console.Write("Hello, {0}! ", Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial!"); } } In Listing 1-3, the Main method doesn't have any parameters -- mostly because it isn't necessary this time. Notice also that I prefixed the Main method declaration with the public keyword. The public keyword means that any class outside of this one can access that class member. For Main, it doesn't matter because your code would never call Main, but as you go through this tutorial, you'll see how you can create classes with members that must be public so they can be used. The default access is private, which means that only members inside of the same class can access it. Keywords such as public and private are referred to as access modifiers. Lesson 19: Encapsulation discusses access modifiers in more depth. There are three statements inside of Main and the first two are different from the third. They are Console.Write(...) instead of Console.WriteLine(...). The difference is that the Console.Write(...) statement writes to the console and stops on the same line, but the Console.WriteLine(...) goes to the next line after writing to the console. The first statement simply writes "What is your name?: " to the console. The second statement doesn't write anything until its arguments are properly evaluated. The first argument after the formatted string is Console.ReadLine(). This causes the program to wait for user input at the console. After the user types input, their name in this case, they must press the Enter key. The return value from this method replaces the "{0}" parameter of the formatted string and is written to the console. This line could have also been written like this: string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Hello, {0}! ", name); The last statement writes to the console as described earlier. Upon execution of the command-line with "InteractiveWelcome", the output will be as follows: >What is your Name? [Enter Key] >Hello, ! Welcome to the C# Station Tutorial! Summary Now you know the basic structure of a C# program. using statements let you reference a namespace and allow code to have shorter and more readable notation. The Main method is the entry point to start a C# program. You can capture command-line input when an application is run by reading items from a string[] (string array) parameter to your Main method. Interactive I/O can be performed with the ReadLine, Write and WriteLine methods of the Console class.

Welcome Welcome to C# Station! This is a community site for people interested in applying .NET using the C# programming language. We've been around since July 4th 2000 and have continued to grow over the years. Items of interest include Articles, Books, Links, Documentation, and Tutorials. More... Who Operates this Site? This site is owned and operated by Joe Mayo. Besides articles and tutorials on this site, Joe is a published author. His latest book, LINQ Programming is available now. Joe has a blog too. You can also follow Joe on Twitter. Also, check out Joe's Xamarin Evolve 2014 presentation, Applying C# Async in Mobile. Source Code If you would like to see an entire application written in C#, visit LINQ to Twitter, an open source LINQ Provider for the Twitter Micro-Blogging Service. What is C#? C# (pronounced "see sharp" or "C Sharp") is one of many .NET programming languages. It is object-oriented and allows you to build reusable components for a wide variety of application types Microsoft introduced C# on June 26th, 2000 and it became a v1.0 product on Feb 13th 2002. C# is an evolution of the C and C++ family of languages. However, it borrows features from other programming languages, such as Delphi and Java. If you look at the most basic syntax of both C# and Java, the code looks very similar, but then again, the code looks a lot like C++ too, which is intentional. Developers often ask questions about why C# supports certain features or works in a certain way. The answer is often rooted in it's C++ heritage. Recent language features, such as Language Integrated Query (LINQ) and Asynchronous Programming (Async) are not necessarily unique to C#, but do add to it's uniqueness. How Does a C# Application Run? An important point is that C# is a "managed" language, meaning that it requires the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) to execute. Essentially, as an application that is written in C# executes, the CLR is managing memory, performing garbage collection, handling exceptions, and providing many more services that you, as a developer, don't have to write code for. The C# compiler produces Intermediate Language (IL) , rather than machine language, and the CLR understands IL. When the CLR sees the IL, it Just-In-Time (JIT) compiles it, method by method, into compiled machine code in memory and executes it. As mentiond previously, the CLR manages the code as it executes. Because C# requires the CLR, you must have the CLR installed on your system. All new Windows operating systems ship with a version of the CLR and it is available via Windows Update for older systems. The CLR is part of the .NET, so if you see updates for the .NET Framework Runtime, it contains the CLR and .NET Framework Class Library (FCL). It follows that if you copy your C# application to another machine, then that machine must have the CLR installed too. Does C# Have a Runtime Library? Instead of a runtime library (such as APIs for file I/O, string handling, etc.) being dedicated to a single language, .NET ships with a .NET Framework Class Library (FCL), which includes literally tens of thousands of reusable objects. Since all .NET languages target the CLR with the same IL, all languages can use the FCL. This shortens the learning curve for any developer moving from one .NET language to another, but also means that Microsoft is able to add many more features because there is only one FCL, rather than a separate implementation for common features in every programming language. Similarly, 3rd party software vendors can write managed code that any .NET developer, regardless of language, can use. In addition to all of the services you would expect of a runtime library, such as collections, file I/O, networking, etc., the FCL includes the APIs for all of the other .NET technologies, such as for desktop and Web development. What can I do with C#? C# is only a programming language. However, because C# targets the CLR and has access to the entire FCL, there's a lot you can do. To get an idea of the possibilities, open the FCL and look at the available technologies. You can write desktop applications with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Console applications. For the Web, you can write ASP.NET applications. When you need to access data, there is The ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ. Some of Microsoft's newest technologies include Windows Store and Windows Phone. You can also write scalable cloud apps with Windows Azure. Of course, these are only a few of the technologies available and as a general purpose programming language, you can do a lot more than this with C#. How Do I Get Started? By visiting this page and reading this far, you've already begun. You can continue your journey with the Free C# Tutorial right here at C# Station. The C# Tutorial was created to help beginning developers and other professionals who need a quick on-ramp to the language.