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Sunday 26 April 2015

7 Best Twitter Tools to Dominate Twitter Marketing in 2015

social media management tools

If you are a marketer, blogger and small businessman, you should use social media to grow your business. Social media not only help in acquiring more customers, but also in increasing the brand exposure too.

Twitter is one of those top social networks where your potential readers and customers are hanging on. As twitter has become the one of the top ten most popular websites in the world, many marketers and webmasters tend to use Twitter to amplify their business.

Just like in search engine optimization, in Twitter marketing, you have to use specific tools. There are lots of Twitter tools just like SEO tools. However, many of them have common features and tools. But a few of them have unique features. That’s why they stand out from other Twitter tools online.

For all the markers and people who are looking to increase their sales and marketing exposure, they should use at least one of best twitter tools. I have found lots of twitter tools. Among those tools, I filtered a few best twitter tools which marketers, bloggers and small businesses can use to manage their twitter accounts and make use of them to grow twitter community.

Some of below Twitter tools may be new to you or you may already know them. But, if you know any other great twitter tool than I listed below, please let me know in the comment form below. I will happily add them up to this Ultimate List of Best Twitter Tools. Help me grow this Twitter tools list fast!

The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools To Dominate Twitter Marketing in 2015

HootSuite: Best Social Media Management Tool

Hootsuite twitter management tool

I am a huge fan of social media management. Are you? Well, when it comes to the point of best twitter account management tools, we can’t forget Hootsuite. Already more than 10 million Twitter power users use of Hootsuite to manage their accounts. I have been using Hootsuite since 2012, so I can recommend that this tool is a must-have twitter tool in 2015 and beyond. Here are a fewfeatures of Hootsuite.

Hootsuite twitter message posting

  • Ability to manage more than one twitter account: If you have more than one Twitter account, you can control them on one dashboard. This feature is very useful, if you have more than one Twitter account.

  • Save Tweets as Templates: This is a very time-saving technique. By using this tool, you can save tweets as templates and send them anytime you want.

  • Schedule Tweets:  Hootsute is one of best twitter automation tools which make it really easy to schedule your Tweets. There are two tweet schedule modules. The first one is autoschedule in which Hootsuite sends your tweets on optimal times to get more exposure. The other one is manual timing. If you want to post your tweets on specific times, you can schedule unlimited tweets using Hootsuite.

  • Targeting options: One new feature Hootsuite added is targeting options. This is absolutely a really helpful feature, because you can target specific religions to see your tweet. How awesome that is? Ex: I have written an article about How to Open a Virtual US Bank Account Online For FREE a few months ago. This tutorial is for people who are not US residents. So It is not too necessary USA residents see my tweet. With the use of Targeting options, you can specify which people should see your tweet. If you run a webinar for any country-specific people, you can use HootSuite Targeting options to get more targeted sign up for webinar.

  • Attach Image or File: If you tweet or DM on Twitter, you couldn't upload files to Twitter except images. But, by using the Hootsuite twitter automation tool, you can upload any file (ex: PDF, text document) to Hootsuite and send to your Twitter followers.

  • Branded Shortened URLs: Ow.ly is a URL shortening service owned by Hootsuite. When you purchase Hootsuite Pro version, you can make your own URL shortener. Ex: kiss.ly (KISSmetrics.com)

  • Twitter Quick Search: This is another new feature that Hootsuite added recently. I too had a problem to find trending topics on Twitter. On those occasions, I logged into my Twitter account and searched for Trend section to find upcoming events and trending topics. But, with the new feature, you and me can easily find trending topics in the HootSuite dashboard.

  • Management: Unlike other twitter tools, in Hootsuite, you can manage your Twitter account conveniently. You can follow people, see others followers, followings, twitter timeline, mentions, favorites, retweets, etc. Hootsuite also has a twitter user scoring system called Klout. Klout score is counted by using different metrics. You can find all other features of HootSuite social media management tool over here.

Overall Hootsuite is one of best twitter management tools. Not only you can manage your Twitter account, but also your Facebook profile, pages, groups, LinkedIn profile, pages, communities and Google+, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Tumblr and many other social networks too. Plus, there are lots of Apps on Hootsuite social media management service. By using them you can control your social media accounts very easily. Hootsuite has a few pricing packages. By using a free plan, you can control a few social media accounts and a few social apps. But with Pro version, you can bulk schedule tweets, so you can save lots of time.

Hootsuite is one of my best social management tools in my arsenal. If you’re planning to take your social media marketing to the next level, increase Twitter community engagement, traffic to website etc., so you should use HootSuite in 2015. There are a few new tools which will be realized in the next upcoming months. Get a FREE 30 day Hootsuite Pro account over here.

TweetAdder: Automated Twitter Management and Follower Building Tool


Tweetadder is dedicated twitter software which makes it easy for you to manage multiple twitter accounts and build your twitter following. Tweetadder twitter software works perfectly on all Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems. Once you download and installed the twitter software, you can do many things. Here are a few of them,

  • Automated Tweeting and Massaging: What if you have 100+ twitter accounts? How much time it would take to you manage your all Twitter accounts? Send messages? Hours or days, right? But with Tweet adder, you can easily manage tweeting and set up automated tweet sequence which will be sent out at the right times after someone followed you. This is a great way to build relationships with your followers. You can ask a question from followers to get their first attention or offer a free gift-card, coupon code etc. This is a win-win situation both of you and follower! Isn't it?
  • Pro Search Filters: TweetAdder has a very rich search system. Do you want search within someone’s twitter profile? Or search by a user? Or search by a location? With TweetAdder pro search filters, you can easily get targeted results. If you want to build a good twitter network of influencers, this is a good way to find them.
  • Tweet Search by Keywords: Again, this is another useful feature to find influencers in your industry/niche.
  • Unfollow with 8 Advanced Filters: If you currently use a Twitter unfollow tool, after today, you don’t have to use it anymore! In TweetAdder, there are lots of ways to find people who are not worth following. You can Unfollow Twitter users by Not Following Back, Unfollow You, No Profile Image, Foreign Language, Following too many, Inactive, Talkative (Tweets too much) and Quiet (Rarely Tweets). These are very powerful search filters to maintain a clean & clear twitter profile that everyone would like to see.
  • Automated Direct Messaging: This is just similar to an email autoresponder. With TweetAdder you can set up automated direct messages which will be sent out over the period people followed you or check for followers (old and new) to send a thank you message. Direct messaging is a great way to build relationship with your followers and get them followed you a long time on Twitter.
  • Automates Blog RSS to Tweets: Do you have a blog or multiple blogs you like most? If you are finding a great way to post blog post updates to Twitter automatically, with TweetAdder twitter software, you can automate Blog RSS to tweets. Then every time you update your blog or add new content, TweetAdder will send a link to your blog post on Twitter.
  • Full User Info: Even you used TweetAdder, you won’t feel that you use a Twitter management software. You can find all the information about a certain user, such as full name, number of follower & followings, Date last tweet, demographics etc. 

TweetAdder has a lot more features than above. Many TweetAdder users have said that, managing large amount of Twitter accounts is very easy with TweetAdder. TweetAdder is a premium Twitter software. More than 330,000 twitter users, businesses and organizations use TweetAdder to control their large Twitter profiles and automate Tweeting processes. If you are finding an affordable twitter management software tool, I recommend you to check out TweetAdder. Click Here to Download TweetAdder software for free.

Socialoomph – Boost your Twitter Productivity


Socialoomph is a social media productivity tool which has lots of unique features and tools that other Twitter tools doesn't have. Socialoomph is a perfect tool if you want a great Twitter tool for your online & offline business. Here are several features of Socialoomph.

  • Purge DM Inbox: If you have multiple Twitter account and have lots of Direct messages, actually it would be a painful task to delete them manually. But, with Socialoomph, you can easily delete everything or DMs older than 7 days or DMs older than 30 days.
  • Send DMs to new followers: With this feature, you can send DMs to all new followers. For an example, for new followers you can give away a freebie such as a PDF, small eBook.
  • Mimic follow — Replicate the following of others: You can scan up to five twitter accounts at a time and analyze their Twitter followings. So you can later follow them to build relationships with. It’s a great way to find out twitter power users that your competitors are following. Finding professional Twitter power-users is essential to succeed in Twitter marketing.
  • Define your own channels: This is another useful feature on Socialoomph. Let’s say you want to track people who are talking about proofreading and also tweets that are related best proofreading tools. So by specifying your own tweet channels and keywords, you can create unlimited groups to organize information.
  • View predefined channels: This feature will track your twitter accounts and tweets for your predefined keywords. If you want to track every tweet which is about “WordPress installation services” or “SEO consulting services”, you can easily track every tweet. This is a great way to find potential customers on Twitter.
  • Self-destructing (time-limited) update: This is one of my favorite features on Socialoomph. If you want any Tweet update to be deleted automatically after X hours, days, weeks or months, you can create self-destructing messages. How cool is it?
  • Bulk upload tweets: If you have already prepared tweets, you can very easily upload them to Socialoomph and set them to be sent out as the time period you want.
  • Recurring updates: Do you want any tweet to be sent out after X hours, days, weeks or months right after its initial posting? So In Socialoomph, you don’t want copy & paste same tweet to be sent out in multiple times. Just set the recurring updates settings and let Socialoomphs to send them at the right times. This is an extremely helpful feature for bloggers. By using this feature you can get your post sent on many occasions.
  • Filter timelines: Even though you follow thousands of people on Twitter, if you don’t want receive updates from specific people, so you can filter out tweets sent by them and make your twitter timeline a special one.
  • Integrated timelines: By default, you get twitter updates from people and brands you are following, right? But with TweetCOCKPIT integration in Socialoomph, you can fetch more tweets to your timeline by filtering keyword-specific tweets so on. 

Overall Socialoomph is a very powerful Twitter productivity tool. I have been using this online Twitter tool for a few months and was able to increase blog referral traffic in a short span of time. To learn more about Socialoomph and find how it can empower your Twitter account, follow this link.

TweetDeck: Tweet Browser to Monitor Twitter Profiles


You may already have heard about TweetDeck. Twitter bought TweetDeck for $40 million in 2011 and now it contains more advanced Twitter tools to manage accounts. TweetDeck is one of best twitter analytics tools which offer various features to make it easy to conduct multiple Twitter accounts on one dashboard. Here are few things you can do inside TweetDeck Twitter management tool.

  • Add Multiple Twitter Accounts: You don’t want to use multiple TweetDeck accounts for multiple Twitter accounts. Authenticate each Twitter account you own and you can start managing each Twitter account. 
  • Schedule tweets: Like other Twitter tools, with TweetDeck you can schedule tweets for multiple accounts at a time.
  • Add Columns: Like in Hootsuite, in TweetDeck you can add multiple columns. Not only your Twitter accounts’ notifications, activity and home feed tabs, but also you can segment specific topics and add those tweets into columns. See the image above. Check how I added a new column which shows filtered tweets related to SEO.
  • Track Link Click Stats with Bit.ly: After you add your Bit.ly account username and API key to TweetDeck, for every link you share through TweetDeck will be shortened through Bit.ly URL shortening service. Therefore, you can check click stats such as total clicks and referring sources in your Bit.ly account dashboard.
  • Alert via sounds and popups: If you manage multiple Twitter accounts and want to get notifications for twitter activities such as receiving direct messages, you can get alerts through popups and sounds.
  • Advanced Filtering options: TweetDeck has a rich advanced search filter. By using those advanced filter settings, you can get very targeted results.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Using keyboard shortcuts is the best convenient way to use TweetDeck efficiently. Although I don’t practice all those shortcuts, I usually use number keyword shortcuts to navigate through each column, so I don’t want scroll horizontally anymore.

TweetDeck is a perfect place to manage all your Twitter accounts. If you are finding a free twitter management tool, I recommend you to check out TweetDeck tool. As its convenient interface and powerful search filters, you can get most out of it and amplify your Twitter marketing plans moreover.

Mention: Social Media Tracking

mention social media tracking

Mention works just like Google alerts. You can choose the sources to track mentions (Blogs, RSS feeds, Images, web, videos, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon) and you’ll get alert both on the web and email. I love the Mention twitter tool just because it has several useful features to leverage twitter marketing. Here are a few specific features I found on Mention.com.

  • Get Mentions on Various sources: If you are a blogger or an SEO, you’d probably know that social mentions and web co-citations are ranking factors which most search engines use to rank web pages on SERPs. What's the very specific feature in mention.com is that you can find mention sources and who mention them easily. Let’s say if someone mentions about your latest blog post in a tweet. So you can find who are those and send a DM (or set up an automated DM) to thank them. Another way you can utilize Mention for business purposes is that you can find business opportunities. Set up your mention alert (select Twitter as the source) and monitor mentions in live action. Once you found any relevant tweet, you can reply to it right away. As the process is working so fast, you can communicate with them so quickly.
  • Advanced Filtering settings: When you want to track something, whether it could beYouTube video tracking and competitor keyword analysis, you should use a tool which has great filtering options. In Mention Twitter tracker tool, you can filter tweets in different categories.
  • Mention Statistics: What I most like about mention statistics is that they update mention reports more frequently than I thought. Therefore, you’ll receive more accurate data. I was able to find people who are more frequently talking about SEO on Twitter very easily. Also Mention provides related match mentions. So we can use those terms on tweets to get maximum exposure. (Ex: if mention is “SEO”, related match mentions are SEO strategy, #SEO and SEO Audit)

Mention.com is a good social media tracking tool. By using Mention tool, I was able to find a few potential readers who are willing to improve their website SEO. Mention has a few pricing packages. Although you get many features on a premium subscription, you can still track Twitter by using a free Mention account.

CommunIT - Twitter Community Management Dashboard 


Cummn.it is another Twitter tool which provides various tools to manage multiple twitter accounts at one dashboard. I started using Cummun.it since a few days ago, and I am very pleased seeing its amazing features. If you want a simple dashboard where you can control multiple Twitter account easily, I recommend trying Cummun.it twitter community management tools. Here are a few special things you can do with the use of Coummun.it Twitter tool.

  • Engage Influencers: Commun.it is a Twitter community management tool. Therefore, you will be able to engage with existing influencers easily. Commun.it can find who exactly actual influencers are. When I first created my account, I was amazed seeing my overall influencers. Some read my posts, favorite tweets, retweeting my tweets and others share my blog posts on their Twitter accounts manually. Actually, they are the people I must build relationships with. More influencers I have, I can easily build a larger social community on Twitter.
  • Thank New Followers: What if you could send a thank you tweet for every new follower? They would happily connect with you, right? So with Commun.it twitter tool, you can find your new twitter followers and compose a new “thank you” tweet.
  • Consider to follow & unfollow: You might be searching for a good way to find inactive twitter users who never have seen your tweets. If you are a twitter user like me who want to unfollow inactive/unnecessary twitter users who don’t follow you back, so with commun.it twitter unfollow tool, you can easily unfollow them. Just like that if you found any twitter power user who retweets your updates and follow you, then you should consider following them back. That’s how to build a good twitter community.
  • Monitoring:  you can monitor engagements and mentions based on keywords and your website. This is a great way to find potential influencers who will later become your fans.

Commun.it is a great twitter tool to build an engaged community around your Twitter profile. If your business needs more raving followers, then start using commun.it twitter tool. It will definitely help you build a good twitter community. Click here to sign up for Commun.it for free and click this link to get 50% OFF discount + 14 days free trial (The cheapest Twitter tool deal, you'll ever get)

Topsy – Twitter Search Engine


Topsy is another twitter tool that every user should use. Apple bought Topsy Twitter search monitoring and analytics tool for $200 million in 2013. Topsy recently announced that they have crawled all the tweets since 2006 (at the year twitter website officially created by Jack Dorsey). So there is lots of information. If you are a big believer in market research, so you should use Topsy twitter search tool. Not only would you be able to find tweets related to your search query, but also great influencers too. Here are a few features of Topsy that you shouldn't ignore.

  • Topsy supports ten languages: Currently Topsy supports a few languages. So if your business is related to those languages, you can use Topsy to find new customers who are hanging on Twitter.
  • Advanced search: As Topsy has lots of indexed tweets, when you search something on Topsy, you will usually get broad search results. But with advanced search tool, you can get laser targeted results. EX: If you want to find all tweets related to SEO and www.problogtricks.com, you can input this search query into the Topsy search box:site:problogtricks.com SEO. Topsy works just like Google search engine. Google also has a few search techniques.
  • Get Email Alerts: Just like in Mention.com, here in Topsy twitter search engine, you can get email alerts for your target search query.
  • Twitter Analytics: Topsy is not just only a twitter search engine, it’s a twitter analytics tool too. With Social analytics tool, you can find any topic’s popularity and social mentions versus time. 

Topsy is a great Twitter tool which will help you find all tweets and influencers on any keyword. I usually use Topsy to find the social popularity of keyword phrases and social influencers who are eagerly willing to read my blog posts. Read this blogging case study post to learn how I utilized one twitter marketing strategy to build a twitter traffic peak.


Twitter is becoming more user-friendly and so many marketers involve in twitter marketing. In every day, 135,000 new twitter users sign up to Twitter. That's almost three new sign ups in two seconds. One reason I prefer to use Twitter is that they provide flexible tools for both common people and marketers alike. Many companies and web developers have built various Twitter tools by using Twitter API. While some people have built amazing Twitter tools and software which provides marvelous results.

As a blogger and an internet marketer, I use different twitter tools. I use all above mentioned Twitter tools. Therefore, I can recommend all those twitter tools for everyone. If you know or have used any other Twitter tool which has unique features like in Socialoomph, please let me know in the comment form. It will not only help me, but also other people too.

So what’s your favorite Twitter tool? Share your thoughts and reviews above this best Twitter tools list in the comment form below.

I Wanted to Check My Competitors Keywords, Here's How I did


Checking competitors keywords looks like so difficult, right? But, actually it looks like it is unable…

That’s what I thought in the beginning of my blogging career.

But, suddenly everything changed…


When I met an amazing SEO tool.

It surprised me how powerful this method is.

It can spy on my competitors website traffic, find untapped keywords that are used by other video bloggers and also do some so difficult and tedious tasks within a few minutes automatically.

The tool is…


You might have heard about SEMrush earlier or didn't know anything about it.

Basically, SEMrush is a powerful search engine marketing tool which is created by the team who developed the SEOQuake SEO browser extension.

So here is how I checked my competitors’ keywords within a few seconds. If you were in doubt how you can find out most lucrative keywords which drive buyers to your competitors websites, so after reading this tutorial and following my SEO strategy, you never need to worry about driving quality buyers to your website.

As you already know, a proper keyword strategy can drive a lot more traffic and customers. It all depends on what keywords you are targeting. Of course, other things such as content marketing, website design, typography, colors matter. But, what actually matters in driving buyers is, the proper keyword strategy. Because keyword research is not dead!

How Do i Find out What Keywords My Competitors Are Using?

When it comes to search engine optimization, we can find that not only article websites, but also other web pages such as YouTube videos, SlideShare presentations, Q&A web pages and Forum threads also rank on SERPs (search engine result pages) for target keywords.

Cute Puppies - Google Search

As the search results showing in the image above, you can find that sometimes images also rank first page of Google SERP. So it’s important to target related keywords not only in your article marketing campaigns, but also in image SEO and YouTube SEO too.

We all know one thing...

...That is if your competitor websites are receiving a lot organic traffic steadily in every single day, which means their content marketing strategies are excellent.

Think about this a moment.

If they didn't get any traffic from search engines, will their business exist? Not, anyway, right?

That shows that their organic keywords drive paying customers consistently. So how do you find what keyword your competitors are using?

Ask their permission to see their traffic analysis report?

This might not work, right?

But, the trick I am going to reveal works perfectly. That’s one of best ways to get creative and unique blog posting ideas too.

So here’s how to get competitors keywords without knowing them!…

Know Your Competitors Keywords With This Simple Process

Do you remember I mentioned an SEO tool earlier? Yes, the SEMrush tool.

To follow this step, you need to create a SEMrush account. You can open a free SEMrush Pro account for 14 days with this special link. After you created your SEMrush Pro account, follow this step by step process.

Step #1Go to SEMrush and login to your account.

Step #2: Get your competitor’s webpage URL. For an example, I got a webpage URL by doing a search on Google.

email marketing strategy - Google search

Now paste the web page address into SEMrush search box, select the preferred search engine (default search engine is Google.com) and click on “search” button.

SEMrush search box

Step #3: Now you will see an in-depth insight about your competitor webpage such as total search traffic per day, traffic value, number of backlinks etc.

page traffic

As you see, my competitor webpage receives averagely 451 unique visitors daily. That is not too bad, right?

When I search “email marketing strategy” on Google Keyword Planner, I found that averagely 1300 times this keyword phrase is typed on Google in every month,

Google keyword planner keyword ideas

Find “Top Organic Keywords” box and click on “Full report” link to get other search terms.

top organic keywords semrush competitor research search results page

Step #4: Now you will see the top organic keywords that your competitor web page is currently ranking on targeted search engine. This article on “email marketing strategy” ranks on Google.com (US version) for 49 keywords.

competitor web page's keywords

You can export the table to your computer as a CSV file and make use of those keywords for your upcoming or previous content marketing campaigns.

Here’s another example.

At this time, I wanted to find keywords of a YouTube video which rank on Google search engine.

youtube video url into semrush search box

As you see, this YouTube video receives almost 1000 video visitors from Google.com alone.

organic traffic to youtube video

Here are the top keywords of YouTube video.

keywords which drive traffic to competitor's youtube video

This video already has got 688,382 views during first 11 months. 2086 daily views!

video view count

You can check competitor keyword rankings by repeating this process for other religions as well.

This SEO strategy helped me find what keywords currently drive traffic to my competitors and find what keywords I am missing on my content marketing campaigns (ex: blog posts, YouTube Videos, Presentations etc.).

Here are a few articles I compiled by analyzing my competitor websites' keywords and their rankings.

Now you can also analysis mobile traffic of your competitor website using SEMrush tools.

mobile tab selected

This is very powerful, as mobile traffic tends to surpass desktop traffic and Google give more weight for websites which have mobile-optimized design and content.

After you have chosen keywords for your contents, you can track their positions. SEMrush has an inbuilt tool for that. It is known as position tracking.

keyword position tracking

Also with competitors discovery feature of SEMrush, you can find your top competitors.

competitors discovery - SEMrush

This will help you find your competitors keywords and find the competition level for keywords.

Here are a few articles that will help you do more with keywords.


Search Engines have evolved so much, so we can't utilize old-school SEO techniques to increase the search engine rankings of keywords. But, with a proven and a practical keyword strategy, you can find lots of keyword ideas, even that your competitors don't know anything about.

But, if your competitors are far ahead from you and receive tons of organic traffic in every single day, which means their keyword strategy is excellent. The easiest way to drive that traffic to your website is spy on competitors keywords and use proper SEO techniques to increase the search engine rankings.

With the use of SEMrush competitors keyword research tool, you can find any webpage’s, even a YouTube video’s top most searched keywords.

If your competitors can do it, so you too can.

Use this technique one time and compile a great blog post. You will surprise how this method can skyrocket your traffic and drive lots of buyer traffic in future, not just “freebie” seekers.

So what SEO techniques do you use for finding competitors keywords?